Wednesday, December 2, 2009

So we're driving around doing a little shopping here and there, when one song that's been playing (and of course the boys are moving their limbs and heads to the music.) when it ends, we here let's listen to it again. Okay short story, they ended up making us listen to the song just short of twenty times.. Now wherever we go they want to listen to this song..

Yeah it's December now and of course that means Christmas.. yeah I'm going to tell people "Merry Christmas," I really don't care who I offend anymore.. So I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas this year. The boys are really excited for it and Daxton is now insisting that I call Santa Clause so he can talk to him.. He believes that I talk to Santa all the time and that mommy has him on speed dial. It doesn't hurt because now I get him to actually do more things for me. You know the little threat, "that I guess I will just have to talk to Santa about this." I know I'm a mean mom, but hey you use what you can to keep them in check. Sad thing is I really don't have them "in check." When it comes down to it all they own me..

We had a fun Thanksgiving this year. Went to grandma's and got to visit with family. I find it nice and therapeutic leaving the boys with a grandparent, so I can just have those few moments of coming back to the side of what it's like to be around other adults. The boys played with their cousins, and we even took them on a short "walk about." well that's what they decided on calling it with their aunt when we took them out to see "a big rock," I know sounds exciting doesn't it? Well it was actually a place down by the local college that we took them out and turned them lose.

Now we are home and things are always interesting around here, for one the boys get to watch all the big trucks go over across the street and fix the house that seems to have sunk.. yes now we get to watch all the work going on over there on them trying to save this house. When in what would have been the smart thing to do, from what I'm told by another neighbor, would have been cheaper for them to tear the house down and just build a new one. I figure, Oh well it's not my problem and it's more interesting to the boys this way. Of course the biggest excitement going on around here is Christmas is coming. The boys all have elf hats and are running around here, playing whatever it is they play involving elf's, Santa, and reindeer. I have sat them down and explained that Christmas isn't just about getting presents. But, hey their little boys and presents do kind of make it exciting. However I'm still working with them on the meaning of it.

So my goal this year is to not get to grinchy, and to enjoy everyday that I get.. Well unless the boys discover something new that might cause some concern, then I might have to remind them about the Madagascar Christmas movie and how Julienne get's coal instead of presents.

For those wondering what song it is that the boys are addicted to I've added it to the first song on the play list.

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