Saturday, January 24, 2009

They've turned against me.......

I often wonder where the boys loyalty lays. Personally I think it should be to me. You know I get up at night with them, I take care of them when their sick. I go downstairs every so often and beat the levels on the games that even their father can't for them. I am always making them cookies, cleaning up after them or even playing their games of trying to defeat me for some reason. But last night in the middle of me showing how I love them and making them cookies they turned on me. I broke an egg on the floor Dougie ran downstairs and reported it to Doug. So I had a little bit of a mixing dough gone wild moment and had it flipped all over, Dougie immediately reported that to his father too. If that wasn't bad enough I told Dougie to quit being a tattle tale and Daxton decided to fallow his older brother's example.

It's gotten to the point that they look at me and then look at Doug for comformation on what they are being told to do. I'm starting to think that they look at me like that lady that lives here and speaks a lot of nonsense. Now I'm really starting to feel like a true mother.

This week Dougie only made it to one day of school. He's been sick but, I'm starting to think he's coming out of it. He informed me that his little buddy has been sick too. I did notice the day I did get him to school there weren't too many kids there that day and all the other's seemed to be sniffling and coughing. I am really looking forward to spring........

Daxton is starting to get sick now, you know he's not going to be left out if Dougie is going to be sick so is Daxton. Doug has discovered a new trick with Daxton at the store and that's if you give Daxton a box of doughnut's to carry through the store you don't have him laying down in the middle of the floor, or running down the aisles causing near cart collisions. Hopefully someday we might be able to go somewhere and not have to chase children up and down the store.

Connor has been a little entertainer this week. He's had both brothers crying at once. He's taken blocks and made himself a microphone to sing into while he stomps around. (I think we've found the lead singer for the boys band.) And now this week everything is a phone to him. He's been quit happy this week but has had one sad moment. He came up to Doug and I and said "I miss grandma." He was quit sad about it and we have no idea what brought that all about.

I have also learned somehting and that is a two and three year old really don't play well together. And if for a moment that they are be wary.

Doug's been doing pretty good this week although he's caught the cold too. He's now found another project to keep him busy. He's been into the whole rocket thing, He's now designing his own. Great that was just one more important thing to check off my list of things that must be done in a lifetime. I think he's actually way ahead of me when it comes to that list. I am starting to see Doug as a phenomenom that can't be stopped. At least life's not boring around here.........

1 comment:

Heather said...

They haven't turned against you... They never were for you in the first place? At least from your stories it sounds like they're out to get you Katie!!! Hey what are you doing for your birthday this year? We may be in Grand Junction on the 13th? Depends on a few things, but maybe....