Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jekyll or Hyde??

I have discovered a phenomenon that happens when the boys are around other people. That would be the boys become someone I don't know. First they actually listen, then they don't fight as much. And of course the messes slow down. Maybe you should come over and visit more often Cassie. Thank you for giving me a break from the boys who pulled a Jekyll and Hyde.

But however as nice as they where an hour later after their aunt left, they were back to their regular selves. Later that evening we had them calmed down and watching a movie; or so we thought but after twenty minutes of no noise it got a bit disturbing. What I discovered was quit a shock. I know that I have been asking the boys over and over to pick up their toy room but, they went the extra mile when they just plain emptied it of everything but the t.v. Yes there was not a toy in sight to be seen, but what I did discover is that you couldn't walk into their bedroom at all. How they moved all the heavy stuff and got it stacked up is beyond me. They even had their clothes pulled out of the drawers, and the closet had been cleaned out too. They could move it but, they wouldn't put it back. Yeah another mess for me to clean. How thoughtful of them.

Dougie has gotten sick again and has been laying around here miserable. He also has been thoughtful, you know making sure that I have plenty to do by cleaning up his throw up. He didn't make it to school yesterday but stayed home and watched some of the presidential inauguration on t.v. I never really cared about that stuff when I was his age so it was pretty impressive that he knew the president's whole name. I didn't even know he knew we were getting a new pres. He's always surprising me that one.

Daxton is still being the same old kid. Daxton and Dougie have discovered Zelda. So of course if you get to rescue a princess Daxton is going to love it. Last week when I refused to be the princess he nominated Dougie for the position. Dougie didn't take that to well and there was a brawl over that folly. As long as he has his toy sword and is battling that kid is happy.

Connor's new thing is to cry and blame everything on Dougie or Daxton, even when they didn't do anything. He's really playing up this mommas little baby thing anymore. I know that I don't help since he's my last one and I am not ready to give up that he's not a baby anymore. So later on in life when I end up on the Dr. Phill show I will accept the blame that I made him the way he is. Spoiled.

Hopefully we get through this week without the whole family getting hit with what Dougie has. So far Connor and Daxton are doing well.

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