Wednesday, August 26, 2009

School starts.

Busy, busy, busy. That we are. Dougie is in his second week of first grade. He's slowly adjusting to the fact that he has to be in school and has adopted the attitude of what everyone figures out about school. That would be "I hate it," "Why can't I just play all day instead." Well that was the first week. This week he's getting into the routine a little better and life seems to be going as expected. Hopefully it will get better for him, he's always been the type that loves to learn. Yes, I know he doesn't get that from me.

Nobody informed me that I had to have Daxton on a year and half waiting list for pre-school. So, I haven't gotten him in, I'm still looking and hopefully I will be able to put his transformer backpack that he absolutely had to have to use. Let me tell you that it was very cute seeing Daxton with a big backpack strapped to his back walking through the store. That was how determined he was to have that backpack. He even had it packed the first day that school started for Dougie. Let me just say it's probably not a good idea to put six bananas in a backpack and forget about them.

Connor really shown that terrible two's suck. I mean it. Tantrums being thrown in stores until other people give in and hand him a sucker just to shut him up. It gets a little old. However he's come up with something that I would have never thought up. It's a struggle just to get him to hold your hand walking into a store, that now he holds his own hand, and he's very serious about this. Doesn't need to hold anybody elses just his own. Last week he tried to convince me that he was a baby and then an hour later try to convince me he's a really big boy. However I really shouldn't complain, he's not giving drivers near heart attacks by running out of the store and into the road this week.

Well it's the beginning of the year, we will just have to wait and see what this year holds for us.

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