Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I like watching these little guys grow, some days I feel it is going at a snails pace of them growing and other days I look at them and wonder what happened, their big. Mainly it's the days of the fighting that I feel that this phase will never end. To be honest I think that they will never grow out of the fighting stage..

Dougie has discovered football. Yes he truly is related to my side of the family. Although I don't come close to being a fan of football that the rest of them are. So I have played a lot of football catch lately. Watched NFL, on the television with him. If that's not enough he wants to go to a game now. So I have told him he needs to go talk to his grandparents, and his aunt. Of course now Daxton and Connor are taking note, and have gotten into playing it, especially the tackling part, they love that the most.

Daxton, has become that one child that you cannot and I mean not even a second, can you take your eyes off of him. Yesterday he lost privileges to riding his bike, actually he got the bike taken away completely. I would say that after the fifth time of chasing him trough the neighborhood while he peddled as fast as he can and causing me to re pull my knee, kind of made me a little mad. It's not bad that he rides the bike it's the fact that he likes to get out in the middle of the road, or he thinks he's big enough to go wherever his mind wants him to go.

Connor has discovered money, it's been going on for quit awhile. He doesn't like to just have a few coins in his pockets, no he likes to collect as much as he can. Every time you turn around that kid has money. He even told me the other day what was what, and he had it all right. He knows his pennies from a nickel, dime, and quarter. I actually have hope for him in that department. He never wants to get rid of it so I don't worry that he'll just throw it all away.

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