Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Sorry, that's just not going to happen princess." Coming from Daxton, the other day as we sat waiting to pick Dougie up from school. There seems to be a lot of this attitude going on among the boys towards me lately. Dougie telling me that he can play and that he doesn't have to do any school work. Daxton thinking he's big enough to go around the neighborhood whenever he feels like it. (Lucky for me I usually find him over hanging out at the neighbor's) Connor, Connor well he likes to be as big as the other kids but, is still holding on to trying hard to be a baby. I know that I have many, and I do mean many years to come of these boys telling me what they think they can and can't do.. Now I understand why everyone said they grow up to fast.. Yes it's a very true statement.

I was getting all excited for this year's airshow, however it looks like they have canceled. So that means no pic's of jets and airplanes this year.. I do admit that I actually enjoyed that last year, it was one of the few times that me and airplanes being involved had a good time.

Dougie, so far seems to be handling school well, at least that's what I thought until he let it slip that he's been out pulling weeds with the principal. Why was Dougie having to do that? The only story I can get is that he, refused to help pick up trash on the day his class was assigned to. Well that is what he's telling me. I would like to say that by the time he get's out of this elementary school, he will know the office staff quit well, however that's already true. He seems to be the type that likes to keep things interesting.

Daxton has had a fun few weeks, visiting parks, going to stores, running over to the neighbors to just hang out, or his new favorite thing "keeping me on my toes," is to ride his bike up and down the sidewalk as fast as he can to get out of my sight. Yes I like being the crazy looking mother who can't seem to be able to keep her children under control in the neighborhood. My only hope is that he will have five boys who are exactly like him... Yes the famous mother curse has been said upon that child.

Connor has become another little streaker. Why my boys don't like to wear clothes and love to run around either in there underwear or diapers, is beyond me. So, yes if your ever driving down the streets searching for my house it should be quit easy all you have to look for is the kid in the diaper waving at everyone. Or in a diaper on all fours barking at everyone as if he's the neighborhood watch dog. Either way he really loves to be just hanging out in his diaper. Oh the fun I have in the mornings trying to get him to wear clothes so we can take Dougie to school.

There seem to be to many things that have happened but, for some reason I can't pinpoint which ones to tell. There's been Aunt Cassie chatting with me online telling me to tell the boys that she can see every thing they are doing. Dougie claims "I don't know how she's doing it but, I know she can't see us." Daxton, well he ran, jumped up on the couch and looked out the window and started waving to her. Connor well he just ran around not caring. There has also been the day that the boys went and stripped one of the neighbor's trees of it's branches and made themselves a little hut. (wasn't a big tree and was on the street side of the fence, and yes I was watching them but, had to step inside to sign for a package.)

Hopefully they might start calming down. Well that's more like a dream of mine anyway.

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