Monday, February 22, 2010

still here

Yey I'm back to the land of the living for the moment, so I thought what the hell I'll update the blog. I know that a lot of different things have happened I just can't quit remember all of them so I will try to give a good update on the boys and what they've been up to. The one thing I'm sure about is that spring still hasn't shown up. One of these days though, and I'll be waiting along with three boys who have stored enough energy to last for the summer. Playing in the snow has only fueled it.

Dougie is getting bigger, he's still liking school and gets mad if he loses out on a recess or gym. He has finished with his reading class and went to visit his pal the principal to read her a chapter out of a book. We've also learned what happens when his school goes into emergency lock-down. All I have to say is that it took me two hours to get my kid out and that Dougie's changed his mind and doesn't want to be a cop any longer. Sunday he tried to give the prayer for primary and ended up telling me and everyone that it was stupid and that he wasn't finishing it. Definitely takes after me.

Daxton's got us counting down the days until I can separate him and Connor for a few hours from each other. No matter how short his nails get cut he, still manages to put huge bloody scratches on Connor. He seems to spend a lot of the time sitting in the corner glaring threats at his brother's. I know it's tough being the middle child. Don't worry he does get a lot of one on one time with us lately, it just doesn't seem to be enough for him. He tried to tell me the other day that we we're going to trade Connor for a girl.. I just looked at him and said "No boys, are all I can handle, there's plenty of drama as is."

Connor's turned into quit the little rebel. I've learned that when my wallet or cell phone or anything has gone missing, to just go to the source. All I have to do is know something's gone missing and tell him that I need it. He then does this evil little laugh, (it's a little scary actually) and runs to go get it. If I'm lucky I can have it back within the first ten minutes of asking if not, he runs around holding it and taunting us. Good thing he's the youngest and I have the other two to help chase him down. He doesn't like to listen, I know go figure a child that doesn't listen, but this kid in particular laughs right in your face and goes about his business. So yeah it's me times ten.. Scary.

So the boys are still here ruling the house, taking no prisoner's in their path, and watching the Olympics with us. The two younger ones have really taken notice of the snowboarding. I think that, that might be something we can all learn together. They have also had their good moments helping their dad out while I've been dealing with migraines. They've gotten quit considerate you know yelling through the door for me so "it's not to loud on me," or telling me to close my eyes because their turning the lights on, and my favorite thinking that they should bring the movie's to me. They also got excited for my birthday, I think they we're more excited. Daxton tried to buy me a bigger knife. Apparently my pocket one isn't big enough. He also told me that he could get me a bigger one and he could have the other one. Yeah just what we need. Nothing to get them excited about whoever's birthday, what counts is the presents, cake and Ice cream. To me that's the best part them getting excited over nothing. Couldn't ask for anything better.

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