Friday, March 5, 2010

excitement, drama, and peace all in a week...

Did you know that one week out of life can be one of the most boring weeks of life when the next week your wishing that a little of that last week would pour into the remaining current week. As you can probably tell it's been one of those weeks.. I'm just glad that it's coming to a close. That is probably why your seeing that I've decided to just go ahead and update this blog before I forget about it all.

Monday started out with Doug and I taking the two youngest ones, around doing a little shopping. Might I just say that someday, I will be able to walk into a store without one kid trying to get run over, and then running from aisle to aisle only to throw things in the cart that we absoultly don't need. Having tantrums in the middle of the floor, or trying to run everyone down in their path with a shopping cart. I look forward to that day.
Any way back to Monday, we had just loaded the boys up for the last stop when my cell phone rings and it's the Doctor's office telling me that I could get the boys in that day. So you know I'm always going to think things are going to run smooth and that since Doug happens to be home, I can take both in and have Doug's help all at the same time. You know one kid for one adult kind of thinking. Yes, I was wrong yet again in my thinking. Doug decided that it was going to cut it too close to the time Dougie would need to be picked up. Whatever, was my thinking I figured we had plenty of time. But, Doug was stubborn and stayed home while I took the two with me. Short story Daxton surprised me by listening to me and eating his treat that I took to bribe him with. While Connor, took the opposite tact. He ate his treat then went on to jump on furniture, climb on water fountains, and got under people and their seats. When I told him that if he would just sit and hold still, that I'd get him a treat he just held up his hand and said, "I already got a treat." Then there was the evil laugh.. In the end it ended up that the receptionist almost had a heart attack watching him and told the nurse she needed to hurry up and get those boys through. Lesson learned when you don't want to wait long, take Connnor.
Tuesday was a busy day with kids trying to run anarchy on us. Doug decided to be upset with me due to Connor getting his shots. By the end of the day Daxton told us to both "knock it off, your driving me crazy. I think I'm going to hit you both." When it came down to it Daxton hit Doug and that was it. The boy loves his mama.
Wednesday, well that became the most excitement for us. It started out good. Sun was out spring felt like it was on it's way. I had tons of energy. Then night came. I was up until three o clock in the morning before I crashed on the couch in the front room. Around three thirty, I woke up to Doug running through our closest and hearing the click of him cocking the gun. He stepped out of the door by the hallway and told me to take Connor and hurry downstairs. So here's the thing, I'm trying to wake up and think what's going on and what's going to happen to Doug. Obviously I didn't go downstairs like I was told. Then I heard Doug talking to someone and realized that there was someone on the back porch. The guy left and Doug came and told me to call the cops. So I did and gave info to the dispatch and waited. Apparently the guy was lightly tapping on the glass sliding door. I figured to get a response on if anyone was awake. He'd made up some excuses after Doug meet him at the door. He'd had his mag flash light with him. Doug figured he was going to use it to break the glass and get in. So after having to go through the run down with the cops. We all tried to get back to sleep. Of course, Connor was way to excited and Doug didn't get to go back to sleep.
Thursday thankfully was just a normal day and of course when night came the boys and I all ended up camped out in the front room.

Now I'm just hoping for uneventful weekend, but allowing the excitement for Dougie's b-day..

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