Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hair is called fur!!!

It's been a little quiet lately. It's kind of nice, but wrong at the same time I don't know why..
Doug bringing Dougie home informing me that Dougie had, had a bad day at school. After getting the deatails of school out of the way we soon figured out that on top of a bad day at school he was sick. It's very rare for Dougie to hold still. So when he laid down and didn't move I knew something was wrong with the kid. So with their leader out sick the other two haven't been that active, I think they don't know what to do that and at the moment Daxton has assigned himself to Dougie's nursemaid. I don't know what goes on in that head of his. It's actually find of funny to watch Daxton take a cold washcloth and stick it on Dougie's head and say "alright, this will make it better alright."
But even with that the three of them have still had their interesting moments. With Dougie he tried to convince me "that hair is called fur." When I told him that only animals have fur, no I was wrong again with him. He grabbed his hair and said "No when you have a lot of hair like me, it's fur." then he angerily stomped off. Personally I think he is feeling a little better.
Daxton is a whole diffrent kid. With him and Connor having another battle between them he came crying to me and was really upset. He kept saying that he hurt. So me thinking I could convince that it was all gone decided to tell him that I took all of the hurt and rolled it up into a ball and threw it out the window. Well I was wrong there too. He started to cry and said "No don't throw it I love that hurt ball." Appartently he grabbed the ball back from the window and walked away telling Connor that mom had tried to take the ball and throw it away. Wow what an immagintaion.
And with Connor this morning I watched him walk up to the dishwasher and sit down in front of it and argue with his reflection. This went on for about ten minutes with him yelling at himself, there was even finger poking. I finally had to put a stop to it before I don't know what..
So yeah it's been quiet, but there is still the rest of the day and always, I do mean always tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

katie i love your boys! i wish i could just be a fly on a wall in your house!

Brown's living said...

Me too.......