Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Their all going to laugh at you!!!

So yeah I know Lisa will appreciate that title (hint Adam Sandler). And maybe the fact that ya you can all laugh at me too.
I have learned that these boys are just getting more adventurous than ever. And all I can say to that is thank you to whoever invented caffeine, especially the drink Monster. Pepsi is for lighter days.
Well you probably want to hear more about my little monsters, I get to say that I live with them everyday. Of course Dougie does actually believe that he is this week, that and superhero. Dougie came to me yesterday saying that he has spider man web snot, yes you heard me spider snot. So me being me of course told him that maybe he is spider man, (Okay okay I know I shouldn't have done it sometimes I think about kicking my own butt.)so he went on down to the rec room downstairs to ponder on this. I'm just guessing because I really didn't want to know what he was going to do.
Earlier that morning I had Daxton and Connor coloring at the table. After about five minutes of coloring here came to little boys with marker all over their faces. At that moment I thought hmm what have we got here, well my answer came with Daxton saying "I am optimus prime." I should have known with the sideburns he colored on his cheeks. Who knows what Connor was going for with that goatee he was sporting.
Last night however is my favorite, I don't know how I kept a straight face. I was on the computer and I clicked onto the twilight movie trailer, when Dougie asked me "what animal is that?" I said "It's not an animal." Again he said, "No What animal is that?" I finally told him that it was a vampire and that they are not real. It got real quiet. At this point let me just say I should have known it was coming. Then Dougie informed me "Mom I have sharp pointy teeth." Which sent Daxton to pondering this and soon there was an argument because Daxton also has sharp pointy teeth. So I left it up to them to decide which one of them is a vampire.
This morning was another good day for being outside. Daxton and Connor decided they wanted to be outside and I thought yeah that's a good idea. So I took them and Connor's little power quad outside they rode it around for awhile. Then started in on the neighbor's dogs, which she now has four. So after I got Connor to quit throwing rocks at them, Daxton and Connor got into the wagon and directed me to push them down the back ally rode. Halfway down I turned around with them and started back for home, which got Daxton upset. He jumped out of the wagon and took off running. I finally caught him behind the church building that is next to our house. I brought him back and told him to stay in the yard. Well that wasn't going to go over well with him he ran over to Connor's quad and going two miles an hour took off down the back alley. Well let's just say that I happen to be faster than two mph. Yeah I caught him just in time for Doug to show up with Dougie. I looked and Doug and said, "get them inside." And he did.
They have been playing all day and telling me all sorts of wonderful things, like Daxton likes me when I'm pretty, and Dougie turning on the outside light so that Doug will be able to find which house is ours tonight. And Connor who I seem to be in some kind of pulling hair war. Imagine that, he doesn't like it when his hair gets tugged back. But, the two younger ones took late naps today so I have a feeling I'm going to be up late for awhile. I'm pretty sure they have a few more things that they want me to know.
So all in all in hasn't been to bad of a day. Let's just hope that it stays that way for awhile.

1 comment:

Heather said...

stop looking at me swan.. So Gavin as I'm reading the story is banging on the computer and yelling at the screen. I think your kids are freak'n funny, but I must say I would be careful in what movies you put on they may start biting your neck soon. That could suck...