Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm thinking about checking into the padded room

Well they can't say that every man forgets his anniversary, in our case it was both of us. Neither one of us tonight could remember exactly what day we got married on. I was thinking sometime in early November, Doug was saying the twenty seventh. Guess what we were both far off. Funny thing is I was talking on the phone with Cassie and asked her if she remembered. Well she didn't but dad did and after I went and checked he was right. Thank you dad...... Any how Doug and I laughed at ourselves for how serious we take our anniversary.. Admit it, it is a little funny.
So I received a great invitation from the boys today. They where running around knocking things around and stacking more things on top of all that, you know doing what they do best. When Dougie comes up and informs me that if I go into their house they will kill me. A few minutes later Daxton comes up and says "Go into our house so we can kill you." Well if their going to put it that way hmmmmmmmmm No.. Call me crazy, but I don't think that is a game I am going to play...
I am starting to think that I live with a young Indiana Jones. I was washing dishes when I hear this familiar sound, again it is Connor crying and I find him hanging on for dear life on his little quad which was also hanging on the stairs ready to fall. I ran to get to him before he fell. Well I shouldn't have been to worried, there standing on the top of the stairs was Daxton. Now I don't know if he had anything to do with Connor being in this position or if he just happened to wrap the cord around the four-wheeler before it went down the stairs.(My feeling is he was very involved with it.) But as is I see Daxton holding one end of the cord keeping Connor from rolling down the stairs. He says to his brother I will save you. He's been playing this kind of stuff a lot these days.
I believe that I might not have to get a pet after all. I have three boys who think they are coyotes. They howl they try to bite me and they seem to guard their territory, well that's what they tell me. I don't know where that would actually be. I don't know they all seem to be running their own worlds these days...
Oh now I can't wait to see what they pull next. We rented the new Hulk movie that's out. The one they made a few years ago, I actually had Dougie believing me that if I got mad enough I would turn green. He doesn't believe me anymore, because after I told him that he thought that he could turn green himself......... This ought to be good......

1 comment:

Heather said...

Sounds Nucking-Futts to me.... I think we all belong in padded room's myself, but hey what the hell its funnier to let all the crazy's out to run around, don't ya think? Anyway I'm glad I'm not you, sometimes I'd be glad if I wasn't me, then again the whole killing part sounds fairly entertaining and I'm pretty sure I would have tried it if it were my boys.....