Monday, November 3, 2008

Just to warn you I might sound a little cranky tonight. It might be due to the fact that I was up all night again. After so many nights of playing go find another place to sleep. And spending the nights with them crawling all over you while you try to sleep. (sad thing is that I actually have slept through them jumping on me.) well it just plain sucks. So hopefully you will look past this. If not come spend a night with the boys and then try telling me that it's easy.
On a better note Halloween was fun. Grandma and aunt Cassie came to see us and we had a good time. We went to see Dougie in his class and learned that Dougie can make excellent farting noises. Let's just say that he was one the last ones in the quiet circle to go get his food. It was good to see him getting along with the other kids and having a good time. Daxton and Connor also had a grand time with Grandma and Cassie. Connor couldn't have been happier with having Grandma around. He wouldn't let her out of his sight. Daxton got Cassie to buy him his helicopter toy that he's been bugging her about. Doug and I took them trick or treating and I can actually say that it was fun. We watched Dougie and Daxton run up to the doors ready for all the candy they could get. And Connor well once he figured it out, then he was running right up with his bag opened too. Later that night we had to cut them off from their bags. That didn't go well with Connor, there was a tantrum and hitting.
But now it's been back to the usual life for them here. Dougie had a wonderful pie expereince that had me almost rolling on floor. Dougie decided that he wanted a piece of pie the other night, so I got him a plate and he walked off. Five seconds later he dropped it on the floor. I got that cleaned up and got him another piece. He turned around and walked off five seconds later he dropped that piece too. Thinking that the third time is the charm, I got him a third piece this time I put it in a bowl. Well he walked off and tripped over his own feet. By that time I didn't even look I was laughing so hard that I didn't notice that it actually had stayed in the bowl. I looked at Doug and all he could say was "my pie." Which then had me haunched over with tears coming down.
This week has been Daxton vs Connor. They have been fighting with each other over the stupidest things. So far Daxton seems to be winning. I am starting to belive that we will have Connor potty trained before Daxton. Since Daxton keeps telling me that he's a baby. The other night we had Connor get his little fingers smashed in the sliding shower door. He cried while he made me kiss his fingers and that started Daxton in. All of a sudden Daxton was hurting too, and to top that off Doug had gone to bed and left me up with three very alert boys. Yes that sucked too. Connor finally fell asleep and Daxton made me wrap up his hands again. It seems to be going that way with those two one trying to do what the other one is and its all a competition to them. I want this stage to be over done with have the t-shirt and all that other crap.
They still are cute though. At least they give Doug as much trouble as they do me. I can only hope what every parent has ever hoped through time, and that is I hope they have a child just like them someday. Man thats a lot of hope...........

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