Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm tired now.. can I go to sleep yet?

I bet that you have already guessed from the title that this week has been busy. Yes, yes it has. I can thank Connor for most of the middle of the night escapades. For some reason he gets up and thinks that he needs to have me follow his every move. If you have ever wondered what night of the living dead looks like. You should see me at six in the morning, that's what time Connor decides to go back to bed. At twelve at night when he comes to wake me up he really doesn't seem to be all that cute to me anymore. It's gotten so bad that Doug actually forced me to take a nap this afternoon. I guess you can say that I haven't been firing on all pistons lately. Doug has even told Connor that he better start sleeping at night, only to have Connor respond with ever famous "why." Oh Good we get to go through the "why" to everything stage.
It has not only been Connor causing problems this week. I still haven't said anything about Daxton or Dougie now have I? I am starting to think that they truly want me to lose it. Although I do have to admit that maybe a long rest in a padded room really might not be the worst thing to happen after all. Anyhow moving back to the point, I have had three boys running a rampage this week. They have been in so much trouble with me this week. I finally took their toys away from them. Yes I finally did it. I kept picking up their toys and they kept dumping them out. For some reason I just didn't think that, that was very fair. So I took drastic measures and they didn't seem to care. I finally took the games systems and movies, yeah that woke them up.
I do have to admit that there have been some entertaining moments this week. For one the boys discovered pop rocks this week. So I spent an evening with the boys making the popping noises and thinking that it was the funniest thing. I have also had the pleasure of Connor showing me that he can river dance. And then later to only have him show it to me again at two in the morning. I think I have to say that I have already received one of the best gifts this year, and that was from Daxton. He got so excited about us setting up the Christmas tree, he went down stairs and put some of his building blocks together and brought me up a present that he said he'd made just for me. I just don't see how anyone can top that one. He even stuck it under the tree for me. Dougie this week has decided that he likes Daxton and that they actually could be friends. Hmmm I wonder how long this is going to last? My bet tomorrow night they'll be beating on each other.

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