Friday, January 16, 2009

Forgetful me.................

I think I will be happy at the end of this week, although I'm not having as bad as of a week as Heather seems to be. However my week has been one that I would still just like to get over with. It seems to be mom gets to be hit in the head all week. Personally I'm just surprised that I still remember my name. After my day of Daxton and Connor trying to knock me out, each day I find myself getting thumped pretty hard in the head at some point it could be the kids, and today I tried to knock my own self out. (I'm not going to tell you how because I have to admit it was a dumb blond moment.) I've had a headache all week so I'm starting to think maybe I should just bubble wrap my head up save a few brain cells for the future.

I have to tell you about our forgetful day we had on Wednesday. Wednesday we woke up got Dougie to school and went on to do some shopping. By the end of chasing Daxton and Connor through Walmart and the mall I was tired. It was ten to eleven and for some reason I wasn't paying attention to what day it was when we got a phone call. I looked at the caller ID and realized that was Dougie's school calling. I answered to the secretary asking me if we were going to come pick up Dougie. Crap I had forgotten that it was early release day and sent Doug to pick him up. Well I felt so guilty and thought he's going to hate me, he's going to be crying, he's not going to want to go back to school. Let's just say a lot of guilt went through my head. That by the time Dougie got home I was going to throw on the floor and beg for forgiveness. Now you all should understand that I underestimated Dougie and how much he actually likes the office. Yes Dougie walked in not even thinking twice about the fact that he had to be picked up from the office. All he said to me was "The office has treats, and really cool books." Yes Dougie gets along with the Principal, Secretaries, and even the school nurse pretty well.

I now have made the connection to why Daxton is the way he is. Why Daxton can't help pick up toys, or why he just has no motivation for potty training. It all comes down to his birth. For some of you who remember Daxton came out blue, he wasn't breathing and had to have help with it. He was life flighted over here and it comes down to this; He had no motivation from the beginning. Yes he already knew that we would do everything for him and he still knows it. Basically we're screwed..............

Connor has proven to me that he's not just the "house ape." Connor is a wild animal no matter where we go anymore. I spent Wednesday with him at the mall running from one place to the next. He was hiding in the clothes, he was running in the fitting rooms, and he even found ladder's to climb on. He acts like this everywhere we go and people that we pass just smile and comment on how cute he is. He also gets confused at times and actually believes that Doug is his mommy. We had a discussion with him about calling Doug mom. No matter how many times we told him daddy he agreed but when we called me mommy no it's dad too. I am only mom to him when it in the middle of the night, other wise I think he believes I'm his servant.

So besides a long crappy week, I believe that it will end. I think maybe as long as I just sit the rest of it away from the boys and read my book and watch a movie I will remember how to tie my shoes on Monday.........

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