Friday, March 6, 2009

Six years ago I had my first baby boy. Doug was at Fort Lewis getting ready to go to Iraq, and I was in the hospital thinking "I'm not ready for this. Doug's supposed to be here, he's the one out of the two of us that knows anything about baby's."

Yes I am now the mother of a six year old. I guess everyone is right when they say that they grow up to fast. I realized this and tried to make his last moments of being a five year old last. Doug finally had to point it out and, yes I do admit I don't like it one bit. He won't even let me call him baby anymore. No Dougie says "Mom I'm a big boy now." I have a feeling he's only going to keep growing and maturing.

We have been very busy this week. Monday Grandpa and Grandma came over. The boys had a good time being around their grandparents but, this time it wasn't Daxton crying because they had to go home, no he already told me that morning "their just going to go home again." At least he is starting to understand that they can't stay forever as he would wish. However Connor was the one who ended up crying for his Grandma. I did explain that we we're going to see them again in a few days.

Tuesday I stayed close to my bed due to the constant sicknesses that Dougie and Doug seem to bring home to us. Poor Doug had to deal with the boys, I would feel bad but I don't..

Wednesday brought on a day of searching for the right couch. If there is any advice that I can ever offer anyone that is never, and I do put emphasis on this never take children to furniture stores. For one reason your constantly chasing them through what they believe is a fun place full of interesting things to jump and hide on. At one place the salesman informed me that they have actually had to lock down the store before searching for lost children. By the time we had found the furniture we wanted I decided never again will I bring children who feel the need to lay on everything, demonstrate how to jump from one couch to the next, and decide where the best hiding places where.

Thursday we decided that maybe we would start Dougie's birthday a little early. That way Doug could have cake. So yes I made a cake and then made cupcakes for Dougie's class for today. Dougie even got his new bike early.

Today Dougie's had his reign all day. I took in his cupcakes to his class and heard him tell everyone "You have to all wait until I take the first bite to eat yours, because I'm the birthday boy." Sad thing the kids did wait, when he made himself king is beyond me. We have heard that all day "I'm the birthday boy, so what I say goes." Yes I admit that I have spoiled these guys on their b-days, now they are proclaiming themselves kings. Good thing they only get one day a year.

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