Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Batman Vs. Barbarian

Challenges, yes that is what our lives are all about here. If it's not the boys subjecting me to what they like to throw in my way as I walk along life, then there is always their father to through his lot in too. This week's project, "Hey instead of ordering new seats for my car, why don't we custom make them." Okay I don't have a problem with helping Doug out with car stuff. To be honest I have always had a love for cars and helping him with them is no problem. However when I get nominated to be the one to sew these seat cover's together I have to wonder a bit. Where in Doug's mind has he ever seen me sew???? I will admit I did take one of those home ec., classes in school but, I didn't rate high grades when it came to sewing. So of course being the nice wife that I am said sure to this idea, like we were going to find the exact colors to match the paint job his car will be painted when this is all done. Now I know someone in heaven is really getting a kick out of this, when we happened to walk into a fabric store over on the upholstery side to yes you guessed it to find that they did indeed have that one color we needed. When I get this project done I'll post pictures.

The boys have been yet again throwing things my way this week. So the other day thinking that I was going to be a nice mother yet again, I decided to make them lemon bars. Since I had my recipes downstairs I had to go down and find my lemon bar one. Sitting in Doug's work room going through my box I started to smell something burning. Now I don't know about you but, if you smell something burning and you have three little boys wouldn't you immediately make the connection that boys + burning smell = no good. Yes, that is what I discovered when I ran out and found Connor with one of Doug's work light things, smashing it into the new carpet downstairs. Luckily for me it hadn't done to much damage. I'm just happy that I know that my response time is good when it comes to things like that.

I have to say that there are times when one of these boys will do something that just has me on the floor laughing. This happened the other day when Daxton who had just gotten into his superman pj's decided that he needed to do a little harassing to the little brother. Connor decided that since Daxton was running around being Superman that he should be something too. After finding Daxton's transformer mask he started trying to take on Superman. Well Daxton being really into superman was flying all around us. (with of course his sound effects going.) He took the mask off Connor and started taunting Connor to get it back. Daxton would run around in circles saying "come get it," while Connor would clench his arms and yell, and stomp, And of course that would only increase Daxton's taunting. I tried to get the mask back at first but, then found that it was too funny watching Daxton run from room to room waving the mask and then run circles around Connor saying he was superman and he was saving the world. I don't know maybe it's one of those you just had to be there moments.

I do have to say that out of the three of them Dougie's been the good one this week. I've still got my guard up, never know what he's going to pull. Makes me uneasy with this turn of events.

It's been an interesting few days and it's only the middle of the week, who knows what project we'll come up with next.

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