Friday, April 17, 2009

"You are here to serve us." That was what I was told this week, by a three year old. I still don't know what to think about his theory. I don't think that I am going to even comment on it now. Really I'm here to serve him, where does he get this crap from?

Okay I'm going to admit that I really don't have that same day and day routine that mother's seem to be able to pull out of their magic mother hat's. In fact I don't think I even got in that line the day heaven was giving that out. No I like to mix it up a little. Which can be good some days and not good on other days. Well I think I will have to admit that today was not a good one day for my great ideas of trying to keep little boys entertained. They did start this idea I just thought "hey why not make this safe." So I caught Dougie and Daxton trying to slide down the stairs on a bunch of blankets. Twenty minutes later I had the boys mattresses placed and everything nice and padded so the boys wouldn't get hurt if they bumped a wall. An hour later they are still going at it and I will not admit to the fact that I might have tried it a time or two. However the fact is this is one of those things that I know I shouldn't have shown them. I just thought that you know lately I have been catching them trying to use different things to slide down the stairs on. I just was moving up the moment of them figuring out about using mattresses. All I can say is at least they haven't tried the laundry baskets.

Dougie, Daxton, and Connor have been very busy this week. They have taken to fort building. Every time I turn around they are off dragging every blanket that they can find to go build themselves either a fort or themselves a castle. I got nominated to be their servant. What's new? I also have learned that I have no and I do mean this literally that I have no moments to myself. I became aware of this the other day when I kicked the boys out of my closet and told them to stay out so I could get dressed. I closed the door only to have Dougie start laughing and tell me that Daxton was still in there. I looked told him that he wasn't and Dougie continued laughing. Boy did I feel stupid when I discovered that Daxton was indeed in there. He was hiding on Doug's side in between the clothes.

The boys are learning new tricks and we are trying to keep up with all the latest things that they now know: weggies, wet wileys, noogies, and my favorite today Dougie playing sick and getting to stay home from school. Little did he know that if he was going to act sick, I was going to treat him like he was sick. I do have to keep making him get back into bed though. Maybe he won't try playing sick again.

1 comment:

crystal said...

I have to say that the mattress sliding sounds like a lot of fun! I miss those days. (sigh) We just play a lot of dress up at our house.