Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Popcorn anyone?

You know when you get that feeling like somethings watching you. Like maybe you've become the prey of someone's attention. Unfortunately that became the case for me the other day. Vacuuming the stairs the other day I became the target of Dougie, Daxton and Connor's undivided attention. I was on the third step heading up when I had that feeling pass over me, I turned around and yes, there they where. They'd pulled out their little folding chairs and were sitting their watching me. "Your our new show," coming from Dougie. I guess that's what I get for shutting their cartoons off and making them clean. Bad thing about is that they followed me around like that for the rest of the day, every time I turned around there they where with their folding chairs.

This week Dougie's being a little easier to get along with. I think that I might have to start worrying, this just doesn't seem right. Who knows maybe he's just getting older and realizing that he doesn't always get his way on things. No personally I have a feeling that he will be back to normal next week, if not tomorrow.

Daxton, well I don't know if you can call him Daxton anymore. These past few days he's decided on a new name for everyday. Friday he was Laser, Saturday he was Iceey, Sunday he was snowy, Monday he was thunder, and Tuesday he was racer. Today I have know what idea what to call him he hasn't given me his daily run down on life and what I need to do to make him happy.

Connor has decided that he's got to show some muscle lately. He's been picking more fights with Daxton more than normal. He tried to push Daxton down the stairs at one point. Thankfully Daxton could hold his own until I could get to Connor. Connor doesn't dare pick so many fights with Dougie, I think he's realized that Dougie is a lot bigger than Daxton and just laughs at him and pushes him down.

Doug and I had our first glimpse into what lie's ahead of us. This has happened a lot lately. It's not a good sign around here anymore that all three are getting along. You know something is coming when those three are running off together. We saw this the other day when the boys decided that they wanted popcorn. Instead of waiting for us to run to the store and buying more microwave popcorn the other day they decided that they where going to just take matters into their own hands. They got my air popper out and made popcorn. Needless to say their was popcorn all over after that. Team work is a good thing, but scary when these three put their heads together.

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